Expert Home & Roofing Tips
Check out the most recent articles from Stevens Roofing Corporation below for home and roofing tips from our experienced roofing contractor team. Have a specific question or ready to learn more about our services? Give us a call at 757-231-9688 today.
Historic Roof Series: Historic Roof Vents – How Attic Ventilation Has Changed Over The Years
Roof vents have been essential to building design since they were first invented in ancient China. While they have evolved over the years to become highly modern and sophisticated mechanisms, many older homes still utilize historic roof vents.
Historic Roof Series: Roof Pitches On Historic Homes. How Are They Different From Modern Houses?
Shelter is one of the core requirements most organisms need to thrive. Humans are no different. A great shelter should protect you from the elements and all dangers of the outside world. In modern times, a shelter needs a roof to be complete. This has been the case since early man. While the need for […]
Historic Roof Series: Details On Historic Roofs And How They Change The Feel Of Your Home!
Have you ever wondered why most historic homes have a unique, enchanting character? The answer is: eye-catching historic roof details! A beautifully crafted historic home needs an exceptional roof with several elements to stand out. These include suitable dormers, skylights, and chimneys. If yours lacks any of these, or the ones it has are dilapidated, […]
Historic Roof Series: Roof Design On The East Coast- What Makes It Different?
The East Coast boasts many historic homes. Virginia alone is home to priceless landmarks like Bacon’s Castle and The John Marshall House. If you own a historic home, here’s some good news: you can improve its aesthetic appeal and overall ambiance through historic roof restoration.
Historic Roof Series: The Most Common Colors For Historic Roofs In Virginia
The color of a replacement roof for your historical home should reflect the era of the original construction. Specific original colors can still be found today; others are inspired by the original shade while not matching exactly. Either way, historic roof colors are available to bring out the detailed woodwork associated with these beautiful […]
Views From The Roof: An Inside Look At How SLATE Roofing Tiles Are Installed!
If you look around today, you’ll see many homes with slate roofing tiles, especially in areas of Virginia. Homeowners love this material for many reasons, including its unrivaled durability, beauty, and eco-friendliness.
SLATE ROOFS: Are They More Difficult To Maintain And Repair Than Traditional Roofs?
We love installing slate roofs. They’re stunning, long-lived, and historically accurate on many Virginia homes. However, we often find customers make false assumptions about slate roofs.
Slate Roofing: Good Investment Or An Unnecessary Expense For Your Home?
When you’re comparing roofing materials for a new roof or roof replacement, keep slate in mind. Slate might not be as common as asphalt shingles or other roofing materials, but it offers some significant benefits. Is a slate roof a good investment overall for your home? Take the following factors into consideration when making this […]
3 Natural Slate Questions Answered: What, How and Why?
Choosing the correct type of roofing material to place on your home is a big decision. You have to make your choice based on factors like appearance, budget, and longevity. There are many types of roofing materials available in the market today, and rather than going with the option you currently have, you might want […]
What Kind Of Life Expectancy Do Wood Shakes Have?
When considering various roofing materials, one of the most common questions homeowners have is, “How long will it last?” Roof materials have different lifespans. Tile and slate are known to be particularly long-lasting options. Metal can outlast asphalt shingles. But what about wood shakes?
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